Pacman Game

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    Use your arrow keys or [W,A,S,D] keys to navigate pacman.

    To pause / resume the game press [SPACE] or [ESC] or just click into the game area.


    Use swipe gestures to navigate pacman.

    Alternatively use the Arrow Buttons underneath the game area to navigate pacman.

    To pause / resume the game, touch the game area once.


    Ghosts are creatures that hunt pacman and will kill him if they catch him.

    Every ghost has its own strategy to chase down pacman.


    Inky will stay in the ghost house until pacman has eaten at least 30 pills. His home is the bottom right corner.


    Blinky is the most agressive of the 4 ghosts. He will start chasing pacman right away, and aim directly at him. His home is the upper right corner.


    Pinky will start chasing pacman right away, he will always aim 4 fields ahead and 4 fields left of pacman. His home is the upper left corner.


    Inky will stay in the ghost house until pacman has eaten at least 2/3 of all pills. His home is the bottom left corner.

    Ghost moods

    The ghosts have two different moods that change the way they act during the game.

    Scatter mood

    This is the default mood. When ghosts are in scatter mood, they will just go to their home corner and stay there.

    Chase mood

    After a certain time the ghosts change their mood and want to go chasing pacman. This is indicated through the walls turning red.



    The goal of every level is, to eat all the white pills without getting catched by the ghosts. One pill results in 10 points.


    In every level there are 4 powerpills, which are a bit bigger than the regular ones. If Pacman eats those, he will get strong enough to eat the ghosts. You can see this indicated by the ghosts turning blue. One powerpill results in 50 points.

    Eating a ghost results in 100 points. The soul of the ghost will return to the ghost house before starting to chase Pacman again.

    Pacman Canvas

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    About PACMAN Game

    Pac-Man is an arcade game developed by Namco and published by Midway, released in Japan on May 22, 1980. Initially released only in arcades. Pac-Man, which is still popular today, has also been released on other platforms such as Game Boy and SNES. The designer of the game is Toru Iwatani, who is an employee of Namco.

    It was 40 years ago, Pac-Man first arrived in Japanese arcades and captured our hearts with its simple, yet challenging gameplay. even after so long, Pac-Man still reigns as a cultural icon.

    This game is written in HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript (using small bits of jquery). In the original 1980 arcade version of Pac-Man, you play as a yellow, disc-shaped hero and make your way through a maze. Your goal is to eat all the dots in the field, while avoiding the four ghosts of different colors that roam the field and chase you. If you collect the four powers dots (which are slightly thicker than the normal dot) present in the stage, then you gain the ability to eat ghosts, and they start running away from you.

    Other arcade games at that time had violence, while the pacman game was much simpler and more child-friendly. In fact, the creators of the game wanted to make a game that is free from violence and at the same time is also amusing for children and women. Such understanding contributed heavily to the unusual mainstream success of the game at the time.

    PacMan is now considered one of the best classic video games as well as an icon of the 1980s. One of the reasons for its success is the form of the game that can be liked by both men and women compared to other arcade games before Pac-Man such as Space Invaders and Defender which are shooting games.

    Pacman Game Rules

    Players must control a yellow character named Pac-Man and carry him around a maze of passages while eating small dots and other special objects. At the same time, there are four "ghosts" wandering the hall tasked with catching Pac-Man. The player can complete a level if he/she manages to eat all the dots and special objects. In theory, the game could continue indefinitely without a level limit, but in classic arcade version, the 256th level had a bug that caused the image on the screen to be erratic and therefore Pac-Man couldn't continue to play past that level.


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